Sculpting arms and shoulders is sexy! Below is a workout to utilize some dumbbells and work that upper body! I am stepping out of my bubble of what I usually do- and that usually is body weight exercises and HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training.) I want to change it up and see how my body responds. Monday was an intense leg workout that really got my heart pumping, so Tuesday will consist of  upper body with weights- sculpting those arms baby!

I am doing 3 sets of 15 reps with 15-20 Pounds- depending on the exercise. Pick a weight that fits your fitness level.

WARM UP- arm circles, arm cross overs, jog 5 minutes, STRETCH STRETCH STRETCH

Bent over dumbbell flys Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent.  Bend forward at the hips so the torso is at parallel to the ground, holding a pair of dumbbells straight down with palms facing in. Next, with elbows slightly bent, raise the dumbbells out the side so that the elbows extend above the shoulders. Return to starting position. 

Dumbbell upright row: These will lead you back to shore. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and place a pair of dumbbells straight down in front of you. With palms facing your body, pull the weight straight up the front of your body to the top of your chest, keeping the elbows slightly above the shoulders.

Dumbbell shoulder-to-shoulder press: Ready for this tricky move? Hold a dumbbell flat in your right hand, resting it on the top of your shoulder. Next, grasp the top of the dumbbell with your left hand and press it straight up overhead, bringing it down to your left shoulder. Repeat back and forth for reps with quick motions.

Prone rear delt raise: Delta, delta, we can help ya! Lie face down on an incline bench supporting your weight on your toes. Stick a pair of  dumbbells straight out in front of you with palms facing in. Raise the dumbbells out the side and back, bending your arms slightly as they come up.

 Incline lateral raise: Sit side-saddled on an incline bench with your left side resting on the bench. With a dumbbell in your right hand down at your right side, raise it straight up overhead above shoulder height. Return to starting position and repeat for reps on both sides (cake).

Dumbbell spider curls: Lie face down on an incline bench supporting your weight on your toes. Hold a pair of dumbbells straight out in front of you with palms facing out. Curl the weight up to full contraction without rocking back and forth. (Isolation, baby!) Return the weight to starting position. Want to change it up a bit?  Alternate left and right for single-arm spider curls. 

 Good old Push ups!: Straight head neck position, keep shoulders back and stable, core tight, fulkl range of motion.


 Dumbbell skull crushers:  Lie face up on a bench with feet planted on the floor and your back pressed down. With a dumbbell in each hand, raise the arms straight up  (palms facing each other). Then, bending only at the elbows, lower the weight down to your ears, finishing in 90-degree angle. Return to starting position.triceps-extensions-lying

I’m going to finish off with plank until failure. I am working on beating my best time: 5 minutes and 33 sec!!!  Get after it and sculpt sculpt sculpt! YOU KNOW THIS WILL BE KILLER AFTER WORKING THOSE ARMS AND SHOULDERS AS WELL!!


Motivational Fitness Workout Quotes

Workout of the DAY

wOrK hArD BuT plAy HaRdEr! #boombetter

Tomorrow I am already excited for my LEG, HAMMY AND BOOTY  workout!!! Monday’s are my favorite because I always start the day out with a big BANG. It will consist of all lower body. Remember to go at your pace and choose weight wisely for your resistance.

WARM UP: 25-50 reps depending on your level

25 -50 jUMP rOPES




Repeat 2X’s through

stretch your quads, hamstrings, glutes- FULL body- 3 -5 min max-Stay moving so muscles stay warm

first circuit:

1) 10 pounds in each HAND:

crab Squat

Advanced Crab Squat
Enlarge Image 
  1. Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and turned out 45 degrees.
  2. Bend knees 90 degrees into a squat, keeping torso upright and knees over ankles.
  3. From that position, step left foot to the right, walking sideways.
  4. Take about 20 steps to the right and repeat on the left.

2)Side-to-Side Squat

Intermediate Side To Side Squat
Enlarge Image 
  1. Stand with right side facing a step, hands on hips, right foot on top, left foot on floor.
  2. Bend knees 90 degrees. Stand up and push off with right foot as you hop onto other side of step.
  3. Repeat on left side, alternating 40 times
  4. Once I get going I really pick up the pace

3)  Lateral lunges each leg. Basically step side to side in lunge position with knee in alignment with your toes. Push off each leg and have weight in your hands for that extra push. Squeeze those glutes. Pushing off foot, return to start position. Continue with same leg or alternate as prescribed.
Remember to keep head and back upright in a neutral position. Shoulders and hips should remain squared at all times.

Do this 20 times ( 10 each leg)

4) Dumbell Double Lunge
1. Start by placing your feet shoulder width apart and holding dumbells at your side.
2. Step forward into a lunge keeping your upper body upright.
3. Return to the starting position and proceed into a reverse lunge with the same leg lunging backwards.
4. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.
5. Continue 20 each leg  

5) Balance Squat
1. Start by standing on one leg with the other leg elevated.
2. Bend forward keeping your planted leg semi straight and reach for the ground.
3. Keep your back relatively flat during the exercise.
4. Repeat 20 repetitions and then repeat with the other leg. 

6)Squat Jump
1) Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, trunk flexed forward slightly with back straight in a neutral position.
2) Arms should be in the “ready” position with elbows flexed at approximately 90°.
3) Lower body where thighs are parallel to ground.
4) Explode vertically and drive arms up.
5) Land on both feet and repeat. 20 times
Prior to takeoff extend the ankles to their maximum range (full plantar flexion) to ensure proper mechanics 

7)Hip Bridge on Ball
1) Assume back lying position on floor. Place hands at sides with palms down on floor.
2) Start position: Place heels on top of Flexaball with knees slightly bent.
3) Raise hips off floor by pressingheels into ball.
4) Return to start position.

20 times
To increase difficulty, raise and raise and extend arms above chest.  

8)Reverse Curl
1) Start position: Lie with back on floor or bench with hips flexed at 90° and feet in air holding onto a ball. Position arms at sides with palms down on floor.
2) Leading with the heels towards the ceiling, raise glutes (butt) off floor or bench.
3) Return to start position.
4) Remember keep legs from swinging to prevent momentum throughout the exercise. 20 times


Squeeze, Twist and Crunch
1. Start position: Lie back onto floor or bench with legs extended and straight up squeezing a stability ball and hands behind head. Keep elbows back and out of sight. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.
2. Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominal and raise shoulders off floor and twist your shoulders leading with the right shoulder.
Return to start position and repeat with the other shoulder.20 times

I usually go through this twice. But I advice to only go through once for beginners. Also everyone’s body type and goals are different. Adjust the weight you need that fits your level!

After Stretch!!!!!! Your body will tighten up if not. 

After make sure to refuel your body!!! Muscle burning and pain soon after a workout is due to a buildup of lactic acid. Your body produces lactic acid when there’s not enough oxygen to feed the muscles. IDEAS TO restore and recoup your body so you can continue transforming it and igniting the FIRE WITHIN:

Do not consume JUST PROTEIN, as in a protein shake or protein bar. Protein fills your stomach and helps build and repair muscles, but it does not refuel your muscles.Your muscles want three or four times more calories from carbs than from protein. If you like the convenience of protein shakes, at least add carbs to them. Blend in some banana, frozen berries, and etc. Keep in mind that recovery calories “count.” Many frustrated dieters complain they are not losing weight despite hard workouts. Perhaps that’s because they gobble 300 or so “recovery calories” and then go home to a hefty dinner. By organizing your training to end at mealtime, you can avoid over-indulging in recovery-calories. For ideas e -mail me at!

#quote: goalyup