Total Body Workout!

Below is a total BODY workout:

As always warm up is crucial. Get the blood flowing in your body to your working muscles:

20 Jumping Jacks

20  High knee’s

20 kick your butt

20 Jump rope( if do not have then imitate the movement)

20 jumps side to side!

Rest 30 sec and Repeat 1 more time!

STRETCH! 2-3 Minutes arm circles, toe touches, leg swings, etc!


Dumbbell side lunge: Standing with feet shoulder-width apart and a pair of dumbbells at your side, take a BIG STEP to the side with your left foot, pushing your hips back and lowering your body into a deep lunge position. As you come down, move the dumbbells straight down to the floor so that your chest comes over your left knee. Return to starting position and repeat for reps on both sides. 20 TOTAL

Bent over dumbbell Fly’s:  Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent. Bend forward at the hips so the torso is at parallel to the ground, holding a pair of dumbbells straight down with palms facing in. Next, with elbows slightly bent, raise the dumbbells out the side so that the elbows extend above the shoulders. Return to starting position. 20 Total

Dumbbell front squat: Take some pressure off that back. Start this one with feet hip-width apart, holding dumbbells on your shoulders with a neutral grip and elbows up. Next, hinge back, keeping the back straight like you’re sitting on an imaginary bench. Lower the body until your thighs are at least parallel to the floor (or deeper, without losing a tight back). Complete the move by driving through the hips as you come back up to standing position. 20 Total

Dumbbell upright row: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and place a pair of dumbbells straight down in front of you. With palms facing your body, pull the weight straight up the front of your body to the top of your chest, keeping the elbows slightly above the shoulders. 20 Total

Dumbbell Bulgarian split squat:  Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Prop your left foot onto a bench and plant your right foot on the floor into a wide split stance. Lunge straight down, keeping your front leg linear and your spine rigid. Come down until your knee hovers above the floor, and then push back up to starting position and repeat for reps on both sides. 20 Total

Dumbbell skull crushers: The exercise says it all, so be sure to follow closely: Lie face up on a bench with feet planted on the floor and your back pressed down. With a dumbbell in each hand, raise the arms straight up  (palms facing each other). Then, bending only at the elbows, lower the weight down to your ears, finishing in 90-degree angle. Return to starting position. 20 Total

Dumbbell Russian twist: Sit on a gym mat with a dumbbell in each hand. Holding the dumbbells out in front of you, bring them down to your right side, only moving your arms. (Twisting at the spine is a big no-no!) Bring them all the way to the left, keeping your spine rigid. Repeat for reps. 20 Total

Leg Lowers: Lay straight on back with legs extended up straight into the air. Keeping core engaged and belly button tucked int the spine, lower your legs down without touching the floor. bring them back up and repeat. 20 Total

Mountain Climbers: 20 Total

Plank: 1 Min

Now if you are a beginner go through this once! For more advanced- go through these exercises back to back for a complete round with no rest. After doing them all, rest 2 min and repeat for another 1-2 times.

Cool down and stretch! Remember to always always HYDRATE AND refuel your body post workout right after. For ideas and help with this e mail me at!

Eating Healthy on a budget ;)

People complain all the time that eating healthy is expensive. The reality is that healthy eating can be cheap and quick too. Difficult economic times do not mean that we have to sacrifice our health — or budget –  when it comes to food.  With careful planning and a little effort, healthy eating can fit into  a budget, but preparation and planning are key.  Be thoughtful, kind, and respectful to your body. PLAN AND PREPARE. Plan meals ahead of time that will stretch you a month long. What works for me is buying chicken in bulk, large bag of frozen vegetables and berries that last me the month- along with my natural herbal homeopathic  products.  This is what works for me and I am just giving an example of how I choose to live  a healthy lifestyle and not burn a whole in my wallet. Although it may seem a lot up front- I average out my costs to at most $12-15 a day for breakfast, lunch, snacks  and dinner. That’s extremely good considering people will go out for lunch at that price, plus tip, and even more for dinner. It’s important to shop when you are not hungry and go strictly to the aisles you know where your items are at on your list. On a day you are not busy pre cook some chicken (or your preferred protein) that will last you 3-4 days so all you have to do is heat it up and prepare with whatever you are having on the side. Throw on some legumes/beans, stir fry vegetables, brown rice,etc to make it a balanced lean and mean meal.  All these in bulk are budget friendly.

For example of a daily menu: PRICE BREAK DOWN PER SERVING
Breakfast:  Peanut butter cookie shake shake: Chocolate protein powder- ($1.21), 1 TBSP PEANUT BUTTER ($0.21) 1/2 banana ($.010)  (cinnamon ($0.02) water and ice PRICELESS
Snack: gala apple- $0.69  ALMONDS ($0.30) toast ($.15) avocado ($0.24 ) cottage cheese($0.47 )
Lunch : TUNA SPINACH SALAD SANDWICH.: spinach ($0.24) TUNA ($0.69) Sweet Spicy mustard ($.07) bread 2 pieces ($0.33) Red Onion ($.02) Mushroom slices($0.24). Kale Chips-HOMEMADE ($0 .40)  carrots and hummus (~$0.89)
Snack: Peanut butter  Protein bar ($1.34) peach ( $0.88)
Dinner: Chicken breast(1.99) sweet potato ($0.69) stir fry vegetables ($1.23) sauces : honey mustard:~ $0.11 sirracha ~$ 0.13)
Dessert: Banana ($0.19) chocolate chips ( $0.13) PB ($0.21) protein powder(1/2 serving) ($0.61)
TOTAL FOR THE DAY: $15.26 —–> a lot of good nutritional stuff for this price
Example of a power salad I made for cheap cheap cheap: 
  • Choose your meat wisely and buy in bulk. You then can freeze it properly and use it at your convenience.
  • Or Consider Going Meatless:  Skipping meat, even once or twice a week, can help save money, since meat is usually the most expensive part of a meal. I read  even at current prices, you can save $210 per year by swapping out 1 pound of sirloin ($5.99) with a 14-ounce block of tofu  ($1.96) once a week for a year.
  • Discover Great Ways to Use Canned Fish:  Canned salmon and tuna provide omega-3 fats, which help keep your heart healthy by lowering triglycerides and blood pressure. The difference: canned fish is really cheap. At just $3.68 per pound (just over 3 cans at $1.15 each), canned tuna is a delicious, healthy and cheap option for dinner. Get creative.
  •  Grains and legumes are inexpensive and pack a nutritional power punch.Plus, they add a heaviness to a meal that most people rely on meat for.
  • Buying bulk can save a lot of money. You can purchase grains, pastas, dried fruits, nuts and flours in the bulk isles of your grocery or natural foods store. You can choose the amount that works for you (bulk doesn’t mean you need 25 pounds of rice at a time!), and bulk food sections give a lower price per quantity ratio while saving on packaging.
  • Seasonal foods not only taste better, they are more nutritious and they don’t need to be shipped in from half a world away!Seasonal foods will often cost less as well. Think ahead and stock up on fruits and vegetables in their natural season in order to can or freeze them for the off season.
  • While it may seem like some processed foods are cheaper, the real steal is on the nourishment they provide. Empty calories still leave us hungry for real food. When we spend money on real, whole, organic, herbal and fresh foods, it is essential that we shift our old ways of food shopping.

Small shifts in the way we feed ourselves and families can help us find that sweet spot between staying responsible with our budgets, and feeding ourselves  healthy, organic, herbal,and vital foods/ supplements. Think of all your food items you purchase as little treasures you are going to store in your chest box full of gold!!!!!

For questions on meal planning and fitness evaluations email me at

A milkshake for under 200 calories?

taste like a milkshake for under 200 calories.

*2 SCOOPS protein-

* 8 0z water

* Ice

* Cinnamon

* 1 tsp Cookie Butter… yummmm be careful with this one

And that’s it! Simple and so nutritious

Directions: IMPORTANT:

PUT IN WATER- FILL ICE TO WATER LINE. Must do this so the thickness of consistency is perfect. Throw in the rest of the ingredients and blend until smooth!! I topped mine with a little fat free whipped cream! Holla! party in my mouth!


Questions on any of those ingredients e mail me:



Core Workout

Ab and core workout. Can’t stress enough why it’s important to work your whole core. It’s the foundation to your body. Having a strong core plays an important part in all our lives. What is the core? It is a group of muscles that make up our mid-section, which consist of the abdominals, oblique’s and lower back. The core is responsible for stabilizing everything we do and for our posture.

By keeping a strong core, it can help us stand up straighter, eliminate lower back pain, have good muscle tone, have improvement in physical performance,  and help prevent injuries and support our body to function at a higher energy level. People with a weak core have that hunched over look on their back from being sedentary and sitting hunched over at a desk all day. This contributes to bad posture- which leads to back pain and damage to the spine.

Building a strong core does not happen overnight but with consistency and time you will develop a good strong foundation. If you have a strong core it will allow your body to retain that lean healthy look even as we age

See all those muscles! That’s why abs are made in the kitchen. Everyone has a 6 pack- just some and most are hidden by a layer of fat! Today work your core and ab muscles to strengthen them- but eat your way to a healthy, tight, lean body! Recipe for a yummy shake HERE.

CORE AND AB WORKOUT: I do a lot of reps. Adjust to your level. Some can start at 20. Each time increase 🙂


Jump Rope for 50

High knees-50

Kick your BoOtY 50

Ski Jumps 50 (jumping side to side like you are skiing down slopes)


Do each circuit 2 times though. Circuit one go non stop. Rest 1 min Repeat. Same thing for Circuit 2


Mountain Climbers– 60

*Dumbbell Russian Twist– 60 ( I use 25 pounds) Use a weight that fits you. Holding the dumbbells out in front of you, bring them down to your right side, only moving your arms. (Twisting at the spine is a big no-no!) Bring them all the way to the left, keeping your spine rigid. Repeat for reps.

*Plank Knee to Elbow– 60

* Dumbbell windmills– 20 Holding a dumbbells out in front of you, bring them down to your right side only moving your arms. (Twisting at the spine is a big no-no!) Bring them all the way to the left, keeping your spine rigid. Repeat for reps.


* Up and Down planks-40 Be in Plank position and push up on one arm and back down with the other. Repeating

* Dumbbell Wood chop– 20 each side. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and a dumbbell out in front of you. Squat down,  rotating right to bring the dumbbell down to your right foot. Bring the dumbbell back up, keeping you arms out in front of you. Rotate into left lunge with your arms going overhead to the left side. Repeat for reps. 

*Overhead Dumbbell Side bend – 20 ( 10 each side) 

  1. Hold a pair of dumbbells over your head, in line with your shoulders, with your arms straight.
  2. Without twisting your upper body, slowly bend directly to your left side as far as you can. Pause, return to an upright position, then bend to your right side. Alternate back and forth with each repetition.

* Leg Lowers. Lay on back- legs up and maintain a strong core. Lower legs to where it feels comfortable ( I go right above ground without touching). Some people only go 45 degrees. Lower for 40.

I will finish with a quick cardio sesh: 20 burpees, 20 jump ropes, 20 side to side hops, 20 high knees. Repeat 3 times!


Sculpting arms and shoulders is sexy! Below is a workout to utilize some dumbbells and work that upper body! I am stepping out of my bubble of what I usually do- and that usually is body weight exercises and HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training.) I want to change it up and see how my body responds. Monday was an intense leg workout that really got my heart pumping, so Tuesday will consist of  upper body with weights- sculpting those arms baby!

I am doing 3 sets of 15 reps with 15-20 Pounds- depending on the exercise. Pick a weight that fits your fitness level.

WARM UP- arm circles, arm cross overs, jog 5 minutes, STRETCH STRETCH STRETCH

Bent over dumbbell flys Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent.  Bend forward at the hips so the torso is at parallel to the ground, holding a pair of dumbbells straight down with palms facing in. Next, with elbows slightly bent, raise the dumbbells out the side so that the elbows extend above the shoulders. Return to starting position. 

Dumbbell upright row: These will lead you back to shore. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and place a pair of dumbbells straight down in front of you. With palms facing your body, pull the weight straight up the front of your body to the top of your chest, keeping the elbows slightly above the shoulders.

Dumbbell shoulder-to-shoulder press: Ready for this tricky move? Hold a dumbbell flat in your right hand, resting it on the top of your shoulder. Next, grasp the top of the dumbbell with your left hand and press it straight up overhead, bringing it down to your left shoulder. Repeat back and forth for reps with quick motions.

Prone rear delt raise: Delta, delta, we can help ya! Lie face down on an incline bench supporting your weight on your toes. Stick a pair of  dumbbells straight out in front of you with palms facing in. Raise the dumbbells out the side and back, bending your arms slightly as they come up.

 Incline lateral raise: Sit side-saddled on an incline bench with your left side resting on the bench. With a dumbbell in your right hand down at your right side, raise it straight up overhead above shoulder height. Return to starting position and repeat for reps on both sides (cake).

Dumbbell spider curls: Lie face down on an incline bench supporting your weight on your toes. Hold a pair of dumbbells straight out in front of you with palms facing out. Curl the weight up to full contraction without rocking back and forth. (Isolation, baby!) Return the weight to starting position. Want to change it up a bit?  Alternate left and right for single-arm spider curls. 

 Good old Push ups!: Straight head neck position, keep shoulders back and stable, core tight, fulkl range of motion.


 Dumbbell skull crushers:  Lie face up on a bench with feet planted on the floor and your back pressed down. With a dumbbell in each hand, raise the arms straight up  (palms facing each other). Then, bending only at the elbows, lower the weight down to your ears, finishing in 90-degree angle. Return to starting position.triceps-extensions-lying

I’m going to finish off with plank until failure. I am working on beating my best time: 5 minutes and 33 sec!!!  Get after it and sculpt sculpt sculpt! YOU KNOW THIS WILL BE KILLER AFTER WORKING THOSE ARMS AND SHOULDERS AS WELL!!


Motivational Fitness Workout Quotes

Sweet Potato- maple quinuoaaa

This has got to be one of my favorite dishes of all time. It’s sweet, fluffy, and makes you go mmmmm with every bite. If you haven’t figured it out- I have a huge sweet tooth. I feel like I need something sweet after dinner every night to make me feel satisfied before bed. If I don’t, I don’t feel complete when getting in bed. Weird? Ya I know. To be exact I prefer something chocolate paired with peanut butter. duhhhhhh

Haha that’s pretty much my love in that picture. But my staple dessert lately has been oatmeal, 2 tsp chia seeds, with chocolate ( darker the better) and a serving of PB, OR 2 mixed in 😉 I recently tried Krema peanut butter and oh my it’s so good. It’s all natural and has a really good smooth texture that has no salt, sugar, or hydrogenated oil. It’s perfect!

Okay now I am getting off topic. Here is a great recipe that you could use as a dessert or even side dish.  Its vegan and gluten free, dairy free, Yeast free, Corn free! Saaay what! Yep!

First off how amazing is quinoa? 

Great info from 3 Fat Chicks on a diet

1. Protein Powerhouse

Proteins are essential to the building and repair of the body’s tissue.  Quinoa has a higher protein content than wheat, barley or other major grains. One cup of quinoa has 9 grams, which trumps the protein-rich egg (6 grams). Quinoa, which contains all 8 of the essential amino acids, is a complete protein.

. Dieter’s Dream

Quinoa is a satisfying source of complex carbohydrates. Rich in fiber, it’s digested slowly and has a low glycemic index, helping you steer clear of the blood-sugar roller coaster.

3. Internal Cleanser/Detoxifier

As a complex carbohydrate, quinoa acts an internal cleanser, easing the progress of food through the digestive tract. Used regularly in your diet, quinoa can help keep you free of constipation and bloating. Unlike more common grains such as wheat, quinoa is gluten-free and can be enjoyed by people with digestive disorders, like celiac disease

4. Bone Builder

For vegans, people with lactose intolerance or those who are simply looking for non-dairy sources of this vital mineral, quinoa is a flavorful source of plant-derived calcium.

5. Brain Food

A cup of cooked quinoa offers 15 percent of the U.S. Recommended Daily Allowance of iron, which helps to deliver oxygen to the blood, boosting energy and brain power. Quinoa’s vitamin B content can help keep the mind sharp, maintain brain volume and stabilize mood.

Def is a staple in my house now. Plus I love the nutty texture!!!

Second up, I love sweet potatoes. They are soft in texture and are smooth on the digestive system.

1.  They are high in vitamin B6.  Vitamin B6 helps reduce the chemical homocysteine in our bodies.  Homocysteine has been linked with degenerative diseases, including the prevention of heart attacks.

2. They are a good source of vitamin C.  While most people know that vitamin C is important to help ward off cold and flu viruses, few people are aware that this crucial vitamin plays an important role in bone and tooth formation, digestion, and blood cell formation.

3.  They contain Vitamin D which is critical for immune system and overall health at this time of year.  Both a vitamin and a hormone, vitamin D is primarily made in our bodies as a result of getting adequate sunlight.

4.  Sweet potatoes are a good source of mag­nesium, which is the relaxation and anti-stress mineral.

5. Their rich orange colour indicates that they are high in carotenoids like beta carotene and other carotenoids, which is the precursor to vitamin A in your body.  Carotenoids help strengthen our eyesight and boost our immunity to disease, they are powerful antioxidants that help ward off cancer and protect against the effects of aging.

Read more:

So this DISH makes for a POWERHOUSE!


1 1/2 cups water

1 cup (dry) quinoa

2 medium sweet potatoes

2 shallots

1/4 cup pure maple syrup


2 tablespoons olive oil Salt, to taste



  1. Bring water to a rolling boil; add quinoa, cover and reduce to low heat.
  2. Puncture sweet potatoes with a fork and microwave for 8 minutes.
  3. Thinly slice the shallots.
  4. In a small pan, warm the olive oil over medium heat. Add the shallots and cook until translucent, stirring often.
  5. Cube the sweet potatoes and stir into the quinoa along with the cooked shallots.
  6. Stir in maple syrup and brown sugar. Add salt to taste and garnish with cinnamon and nuts. Serve warm.



How the Girl scout COOKIE CRUMBLES

Awww memories of girl scout cookies. The day  when you would eat a whole box in 2 days and not have a guilt in the world? Right….Well as you get older things change and you  need to start thinking about your indulgences. In January, charming little girls came to your door to ask if you would support them and purchase some cookies. Their poise and confident sales approach won you over. Your idea was to give the cookies away or hide them in the freezer when they arrived. Now that the cookies have been delivered, it isn’t as easy as you thought it would be. The cookies prob weren’t given away and you probably didn’t leave the package un-opened….Annual cookie sales provide these girls with a wonderful opportunity to learn sales and marketing skills. The better the girl’s skills, the more cookies we typically purchase which can really derail our weight loss goals. Since no foods are off limits in a healthy lifestyle, mastering portion control will be your key to successfully staying on track during this time of year.Here are the best Girl Scout cookie choices and the recommended serving size. SOURCE: from Spark People

Trefoils (5-cookie serving) or Shortbread Cookies (4-cookie serving)
Calories – 160 (Shortbread – 120)
Fat – 8 grams (Shortbread – 4.5 grams)
Sodium – 115 mg (Shortbread – 105 mg)
Carbohydrate – 22 grams (Shortbread – 19 grams)Protein – 2 grams (Shortbread – 1 gram)

Savannah Smiles (5-cookieserving)
Calories – 140
Fat – 5 grams
Sodium – 125 mg
Carbohydrate – 23 grams
Protein – 1 gram

Shout Outs! (4-cookie serving)
Calories – 130
Fat – 5 grams
Sodium – 130 mg
Carbohydrate – 18 grams
Protein – 2 grams

Dulce de Leche (4-cookie serving)
Calories – 160
Fat – 8 grams
Sodium – 70 mg
Carbohydrate – 20 grams
Protein – 1 gram

Thin Mints (4-cookie serving)
Calories – 160
Fat – 8 grams
Sodium – 120 mg
Carbohydrate – 22 grams
Protein – 1 gram

Here are the cookie choices that you will want to pay close attention to serving sizes when enjoying.

Lemonades (2-cookie serving)
Calories – 150
Fat – 7 grams
Sodium – 80 mg
Carbohydrate – 22 grams
Protein – 1 gram

Thanks-A-Lot (2-cookie serving)
Calories – 150
Fat – 6 grams
Sodium – 110 mg
Carbohydrate – 22 grams
Protein – 2 grams

Peanut Butter Sandwich (3-cookie serving) or Do-Si-Dos (2-cookie serving)
Calories – 160 (Do-Si-Dos – 110)
Fat – 6 grams (Do-Si-Dos – 5 grams)
Sodium – 135 mg (Do-Si-Dos – 70 mg)
Carbohydrate – 26 grams (Do-Si-Dos – 16 grams)
Protein – 2 grams (Do-Si-Dos – 2 grams)

Samoas or Caramel deLites (2-cookie serving)
Calories – 140
Fat – 7 grams
Sodium – 55 grams (Caramel deLites – 85 mg)
Carbohydrate – 19 grams
Protein – 1 gram

Tagalongs or Peanut Butter Patties (2-cookie serving)
Calories – 140 (Peanut Butter Patties – 130)
Fat – 9 grams (Peanut Butter Patties – 8 grams)
Sodium – 95 mg (Peanut Butter Patties – 110 mg)
Carbohydrate – 13 grams
Protein – 2 grams (Peanut Butter Patties – 1 gram)

Thank U Berry Munch (2-cookie serving)
Calories – 120
Fat – 5 grams
Sodium – 75 mg
Carbohydrate – 18 grams
Protein – 1 gram

Which Girl Scout cookie is your favorite? Are you able to follow recommended serving sizes when enjoying them?

Mine are the Samoas or the Tagalongs ( of course because you all know chocolate and peanut butter are my best friend/ enemy 😉 ). In reality is having 2 cookies easy to stop at? NO! So I personally try to stay away and make delcious ‘sweet treats’ on my own and give a healthy alternative twist that won’t derail me off track.   In a lifestyle it’s all about balancing things you enjoy in life but also putting in the hard work. You want to be a fit person, right?  That’s why I’m sharing my own habits for keeping fit and staying healthy. One that works for me is listening to my body. If I feel like indulging I will, but you have to have the WILLPOWER to know when to STOP!
   If you indulge, well stay on track and stay active. For most of us, work is a reality of life. Whether you love your job or hate it, working for a living is something that you know you have to do, and probably don’t have much trouble motivating yourself to show up to each day. Wake up, get ready, arrive on time, do a decent enough job to not get fired (maybe better!), rinse and repeat…day after day, week after week. As responsible adults, we make our careers a priority out of necessity. We work to make money, which helps us live the lives we desire. You can complain about it, or just do it-EITHER WAY THE MOTIVATION IS THE money. So when it comes to a healthy lifestyle- what mOtivation is it going to take for people to take care of themeselves and health? Is it going to be the month later where 10+ extra pounds show up on the scale, or a trip to the doctors office to be told your cholesterol and blood pressure numbers  are off the charts to scare you to get healthy? Where does the line lie for you? What motivates you to get things done in life? So why do we treat other areas of our lives  so much less important? You can hate your job but still show up 40+ hours a week. So why not spend 20-60 minutes a day to take care of yourself! The benefits are huge: weight management, stress relief, stronger bones and muscles, a healthier heart, less depression, higher self-esteem, a sense of pride and accomplishment, a decreased risk for countless chronic and debilitating diseases—far outweigh the temporary “rewards” of skipping it (more couch time or a few extra minutes of sleep).What would it look like if we all treated exercise like our jobs (or at least our second jobs)? Doing exactly that can help you make fitness part of your life once and for all.
So before you dive into a box of cookies- decide where the line lies for yourself. Of course since I love healthy alternatives, I came up with my own healthy GIRL SCOUT COOKIE RECIPE! Look under recipes in DESSERT.

Make the BEST yoU!!!

Good day my peoples!

Today is an informative day. Why do we care so much about reading up on health articles, healthy recipes, tips, and the new workout trend? Well because today obesity and people gaining weight has become an EPIDEMIC!! Obesity has been on the rise since about 1980 and is now at epidemic proportions. How and why did obesity start; we didn’t suddenly become a country of overly hungry people eating everything in sight. You don’t have much time and you are hungry. So you go and get a fast food meal, day after day. Obesity can start just like that. The same for the pre-packaged processed foods. And those fats and calories add up quickly. This is people acting on hunger and busy lifestyles with the wrong foods.

With people’s hectic schedules it led to quick fixes-aka fast food- or easy grab to go food processed crap in the grocery stores.  People really don’t take time these days to sit down and enjoy what they are putting in their body. And if you think about it, YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT. Literally in every aspect. We don’t become healthy by becoming thin; you become thin by becoming healthy.  We have more glowing skin, silky hair, healthy organs, more energy, and feel more pure ALL FROM EATING GOOD AND CLEAN!  And not to mention, with being healthy you will naturally be thin and fit.

Now don’t get me wrong. I believe in indulgences and eating all the delicious stuff out there. But I’m only talking about doing this 10-15% of the time. The other 85-90%% should be eating clean to look LEAN! I didn’t always have this mindset. Growing up I ate anything in site when hungry. I have by no means ever been overweight ( prob because I have always played sports and been active) but I definitely was not as fit and energized as I am today.  For example I would go to dinner at Red Robin with friends after a soccer game and basically scarf down a basket of fries even before my meal was served. Then I would have my honey mustard grilled chicken burger with more fries to be exact! 

Woop there it is. Looks divine but honestly my lifestyle and eating habits have changed.. I GENUINELY enjoy healthy foods and healthy eating? Why? Because I like they way it makes me feel, I have more energy, and I genuinely like the way it TASTES!  Food is fuel for our bodies, and if we put unhealthy food into our system then we can expect to feel badly. Healthy eating makes you feel better. If you eat healthy food, then you will generally feel better throughout the day.

We Live this life ONCE- SO WHY NOT LIVE IT TO THE BEST! What you eat can also be a huge support as you go through different stages in your life. Your food choices can help reduce PMS, boost fertility, combat stress, make pregnancy easier, and ease the symptoms of menopause. Whatever your age, committing to a healthy diet will help you look and feel your best so that you stay on top of your commitments and enjoy life. So please stop and take time for yourself on what you are doing in your life to live it healthy and to the best. Yes that photo above looks good, but I def would choose a different item on the menu. Here are some photos of what makes me drool:

    See how colorful and delcious these looooook!!!!!!!! yuuuum




check my recipe page for good nutritious and delicious fooooods


Apple cider Vinegar

This stuff is soooo good for you! I want people to read about some of the benefits I researched for it. Over the centuries, vinegar has been used for countless purposes: making pickles, killing weeds, cleaning coffee makers, polishing armor, and dressing salads. It’s also an ancient folk remedy, touted to relieve just about any ailment you can think of.

In recent years, apple cider vinegar has been singled out as an especially helpful health tonic. So it’s now sold in both the condiment and the health supplement aisles of your grocery store. While many of the folk medicine uses of vinegar are unproven (or were disproved), a few do have a medical research backing them up. Some small studies have hinted that apple cider vinegar could help with several conditions, such as diabetes and obesity.

So does consuming apple cider vinegar make sense for your health? Or is vinegar best used for cleaning stains and dyeing Easter eggs? Here’s a rundown of the facts.

Apple cider Vinegar (ACV) is made from nutritious organically grown apples and retains many of the fruits’ beneficial components because raw apple cider vinegar is not pasteurized. And in its two fermentation processes, it produces enzymes and life giving nutrients that make apple cider vinegar the powerhouse it is. So what can it do for YOU AND ME?!! Beneficial ingredients in raw apple cider vinegar  give it its power to make us feel better, look better and feel energized. Just look at some of the beneficial ingredients in raw apple cider vinegar:

  • Potassium – helps to prevent brittle teeth, hair loss and runny noses.
  • Pectin – helps to regulate blood pressure and reduce bad cholesterol.
  • Malic Acid – gives ACV the properties of being anti-viral, anti-bacterial & anti-fungal.
  • Calcium – helps create strong bones and teeth.
  • Ash – gives ACV its alkaline property which aids your body in maintaining proper pH levels for a healthy alkaline state.
  • Acetic Acid – It appears that this acid slows the digestion of starch which can help to lower the rise in glucose that commonly occurs after meals.

A Few Benefits of Raw Apple Cider Vinegar

  • 1 tablespoon of Raw Apple Cider Vinegar mixed in 4 ounces of purified water after a meal has been used as a natural REMEDY FOR HEARTBURN and as a replacement for toxic heartburn medications.
  • Raw Apple Cider Vinegar may help improve bowel irregularity, thereby removing toxins from the body at a faster rate.
  • Helps clear up skin conditions and blemishes giving a smoother texture and complexion.
  • Raw Apple Cider vinegar may also help with joint pain and stiffness.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar helps to break down fats so that your body can use them rather than store them. For this reason, many diets include ACV in their regimen.

You need to make sure that you use only the natural, organic variety of apple cider vinegar; the sparkling clear variety will have practically no health benefits. Propagators of this wonder drug claim that the best way to have this vinegar is first thing in the morning. You can mix two tablespoons each of apple cider vinegar and honey in a glass of water, and drink it. This solution may taste slightly acidic, and may not seem to be the best way to start your morning, but once you know of the immense benefits that follow, it will not feel all that bad.

Many find that following this routine first thing in the morning helps in eliminating constipation, which is one of the prime causes of many diseases. Constipation is also the cause of headaches – leading to a bad mood, deprived sleep, and a lethargic feeling the whole day, at times. Once this problem is solved, all the other symptoms vanish immediately, making you fresher and extremely active whole day long. Following this morning regime helps minor skin rashes vanish and the skin texture also improves, leaving you radiant and glowing naturally. Having that chilled glass of lemon juice can be substituted with a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and water. Some prefer the taste as is. If the taste is too acidic for you, you can add honey to give it the sweet tinge. Adding honey will only improve the health benefits of the solution.

You can also enjoy the benefits of this wonder vinegar in several other ways. You can use apple cider vinegar while preparing salads by substituting the oil that is poured over a salad with it. Not only will the salad have a tangier taste, it will be much healthier as well. You can also use this vinegar to pickle an assortment of fruits and vegetables. Marinating beef, pork, lamb, fish and a variety of meats is almost a daily process for meat eaters. If you make apple cider vinegar the prime ingredient in the marinade with an assortment of herbs and spices, it will not only help in flavoring and tenderizing the meat, will also add a whole lot of nutrients to your diet.

While there are no serious side effects of apple cider vinegar, it being a vinegar can deteriorate your dental enamel and cause yellowing of teeth. Similarly, lack of information about its ill effects on the health of pregnant women and children only means it is better kept away from them. Though there have been cases wherein people have complained of upset stomach and nausea, such cases are very rare. All in all, apple cider vinegar is considered to be the safest of all vinegars available, and diluting it with water only makes it safer for your use.

I use this! Tastes great on salads!!!!!!!!!!

My <3 day consists of choc0 and Peanut Buttaaa!

yeSSSSSSSSSSS! It is Valentine’s day. What do you all think of this holiday. Well I know- it inspires me to make my 2 favorite things in the world. CHOCOLATE AND PEANUT BUTTER. I def can’t go a day without eating the other. But remember- everything is in moderation and I make sure to fit it in daily calorie allotment. I mean if I had to go a day without the 2-I would not be a HAPPY person. I make a point to always have a nutritious breakfas lunch, and dinner, so I can indulge  little and make my healthy desserts. Well today for VALENTINES DAY

I made my favorite cake- but healthy!!! Try it and let me know what you think 😉

This healthy cake recipe is as rich as any other chocolate peanut butter cake recipe, but it has yogurt and ground flaxseed meal in place of some of the butter and less sugar than most chocolate peanut butter cake recipes. To make this low fat cake recipe even more healthy, use an omega-3 enriched peanut butter, such as Smart Balance. But my all fav is Trader Joe’s

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 45 minutes

Total Time: 1 hour, 5 minutes


  • 1 cup all-purpose  flour
  • 3/4 cup  whole wheat flour
  • 1/2 cup sugar substitute (or less) or can substitute 1/4-1/2 honey
  • 3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1-1/2 tsp. baking soda
  • 1 tsp. kosher salt
  • 1/4 cup ground flaxseed meal
  • 16 oz. plain yogurt
  • 2 large eggs, lightly beaten- or egg whites= 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • 2/3 cup creamy or crunchy peanut butter
  • 2/3 cup mini chocolate chips


    1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Spray a 9 x 13 baking dish with cooking spray.
    1. In a medium bowl, mix flours, sugar, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt. In a large bowl, beat butter, flaxseed meal, yogurt, eggs and vanilla together with an electric mixer. On low speed, add dry ingredients, beating until incorporated. Pour into prepared pan.
    1. Bake 40-45 minutes until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean.
  1. Remove cake from oven and immediately spread peanut butter over top, allowing the heat of the cake to melt the peanut butter into a soft, spreadable frosting. Sprinkle chocolate chips over peanut butter. Using a knife, swirl chocolate chips and peanut butter together. Makes 18 servings of healthy chocolate peanut butter cake.



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