Total Body Workout!

Below is a total BODY workout:

As always warm up is crucial. Get the blood flowing in your body to your working muscles:

20 Jumping Jacks

20  High knee’s

20 kick your butt

20 Jump rope( if do not have then imitate the movement)

20 jumps side to side!

Rest 30 sec and Repeat 1 more time!

STRETCH! 2-3 Minutes arm circles, toe touches, leg swings, etc!


Dumbbell side lunge: Standing with feet shoulder-width apart and a pair of dumbbells at your side, take a BIG STEP to the side with your left foot, pushing your hips back and lowering your body into a deep lunge position. As you come down, move the dumbbells straight down to the floor so that your chest comes over your left knee. Return to starting position and repeat for reps on both sides. 20 TOTAL

Bent over dumbbell Fly’s:  Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent. Bend forward at the hips so the torso is at parallel to the ground, holding a pair of dumbbells straight down with palms facing in. Next, with elbows slightly bent, raise the dumbbells out the side so that the elbows extend above the shoulders. Return to starting position. 20 Total

Dumbbell front squat: Take some pressure off that back. Start this one with feet hip-width apart, holding dumbbells on your shoulders with a neutral grip and elbows up. Next, hinge back, keeping the back straight like you’re sitting on an imaginary bench. Lower the body until your thighs are at least parallel to the floor (or deeper, without losing a tight back). Complete the move by driving through the hips as you come back up to standing position. 20 Total

Dumbbell upright row: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and place a pair of dumbbells straight down in front of you. With palms facing your body, pull the weight straight up the front of your body to the top of your chest, keeping the elbows slightly above the shoulders. 20 Total

Dumbbell Bulgarian split squat:  Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Prop your left foot onto a bench and plant your right foot on the floor into a wide split stance. Lunge straight down, keeping your front leg linear and your spine rigid. Come down until your knee hovers above the floor, and then push back up to starting position and repeat for reps on both sides. 20 Total

Dumbbell skull crushers: The exercise says it all, so be sure to follow closely: Lie face up on a bench with feet planted on the floor and your back pressed down. With a dumbbell in each hand, raise the arms straight up  (palms facing each other). Then, bending only at the elbows, lower the weight down to your ears, finishing in 90-degree angle. Return to starting position. 20 Total

Dumbbell Russian twist: Sit on a gym mat with a dumbbell in each hand. Holding the dumbbells out in front of you, bring them down to your right side, only moving your arms. (Twisting at the spine is a big no-no!) Bring them all the way to the left, keeping your spine rigid. Repeat for reps. 20 Total

Leg Lowers: Lay straight on back with legs extended up straight into the air. Keeping core engaged and belly button tucked int the spine, lower your legs down without touching the floor. bring them back up and repeat. 20 Total

Mountain Climbers: 20 Total

Plank: 1 Min

Now if you are a beginner go through this once! For more advanced- go through these exercises back to back for a complete round with no rest. After doing them all, rest 2 min and repeat for another 1-2 times.

Cool down and stretch! Remember to always always HYDRATE AND refuel your body post workout right after. For ideas and help with this e mail me at!

Core Workout

Ab and core workout. Can’t stress enough why it’s important to work your whole core. It’s the foundation to your body. Having a strong core plays an important part in all our lives. What is the core? It is a group of muscles that make up our mid-section, which consist of the abdominals, oblique’s and lower back. The core is responsible for stabilizing everything we do and for our posture.

By keeping a strong core, it can help us stand up straighter, eliminate lower back pain, have good muscle tone, have improvement in physical performance,  and help prevent injuries and support our body to function at a higher energy level. People with a weak core have that hunched over look on their back from being sedentary and sitting hunched over at a desk all day. This contributes to bad posture- which leads to back pain and damage to the spine.

Building a strong core does not happen overnight but with consistency and time you will develop a good strong foundation. If you have a strong core it will allow your body to retain that lean healthy look even as we age

See all those muscles! That’s why abs are made in the kitchen. Everyone has a 6 pack- just some and most are hidden by a layer of fat! Today work your core and ab muscles to strengthen them- but eat your way to a healthy, tight, lean body! Recipe for a yummy shake HERE.

CORE AND AB WORKOUT: I do a lot of reps. Adjust to your level. Some can start at 20. Each time increase 🙂


Jump Rope for 50

High knees-50

Kick your BoOtY 50

Ski Jumps 50 (jumping side to side like you are skiing down slopes)


Do each circuit 2 times though. Circuit one go non stop. Rest 1 min Repeat. Same thing for Circuit 2


Mountain Climbers– 60

*Dumbbell Russian Twist– 60 ( I use 25 pounds) Use a weight that fits you. Holding the dumbbells out in front of you, bring them down to your right side, only moving your arms. (Twisting at the spine is a big no-no!) Bring them all the way to the left, keeping your spine rigid. Repeat for reps.

*Plank Knee to Elbow– 60

* Dumbbell windmills– 20 Holding a dumbbells out in front of you, bring them down to your right side only moving your arms. (Twisting at the spine is a big no-no!) Bring them all the way to the left, keeping your spine rigid. Repeat for reps.


* Up and Down planks-40 Be in Plank position and push up on one arm and back down with the other. Repeating

* Dumbbell Wood chop– 20 each side. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and a dumbbell out in front of you. Squat down,  rotating right to bring the dumbbell down to your right foot. Bring the dumbbell back up, keeping you arms out in front of you. Rotate into left lunge with your arms going overhead to the left side. Repeat for reps. 

*Overhead Dumbbell Side bend – 20 ( 10 each side) 

  1. Hold a pair of dumbbells over your head, in line with your shoulders, with your arms straight.
  2. Without twisting your upper body, slowly bend directly to your left side as far as you can. Pause, return to an upright position, then bend to your right side. Alternate back and forth with each repetition.

* Leg Lowers. Lay on back- legs up and maintain a strong core. Lower legs to where it feels comfortable ( I go right above ground without touching). Some people only go 45 degrees. Lower for 40.

I will finish with a quick cardio sesh: 20 burpees, 20 jump ropes, 20 side to side hops, 20 high knees. Repeat 3 times!


Sculpting arms and shoulders is sexy! Below is a workout to utilize some dumbbells and work that upper body! I am stepping out of my bubble of what I usually do- and that usually is body weight exercises and HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training.) I want to change it up and see how my body responds. Monday was an intense leg workout that really got my heart pumping, so Tuesday will consist of  upper body with weights- sculpting those arms baby!

I am doing 3 sets of 15 reps with 15-20 Pounds- depending on the exercise. Pick a weight that fits your fitness level.

WARM UP- arm circles, arm cross overs, jog 5 minutes, STRETCH STRETCH STRETCH

Bent over dumbbell flys Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent.  Bend forward at the hips so the torso is at parallel to the ground, holding a pair of dumbbells straight down with palms facing in. Next, with elbows slightly bent, raise the dumbbells out the side so that the elbows extend above the shoulders. Return to starting position. 

Dumbbell upright row: These will lead you back to shore. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and place a pair of dumbbells straight down in front of you. With palms facing your body, pull the weight straight up the front of your body to the top of your chest, keeping the elbows slightly above the shoulders.

Dumbbell shoulder-to-shoulder press: Ready for this tricky move? Hold a dumbbell flat in your right hand, resting it on the top of your shoulder. Next, grasp the top of the dumbbell with your left hand and press it straight up overhead, bringing it down to your left shoulder. Repeat back and forth for reps with quick motions.

Prone rear delt raise: Delta, delta, we can help ya! Lie face down on an incline bench supporting your weight on your toes. Stick a pair of  dumbbells straight out in front of you with palms facing in. Raise the dumbbells out the side and back, bending your arms slightly as they come up.

 Incline lateral raise: Sit side-saddled on an incline bench with your left side resting on the bench. With a dumbbell in your right hand down at your right side, raise it straight up overhead above shoulder height. Return to starting position and repeat for reps on both sides (cake).

Dumbbell spider curls: Lie face down on an incline bench supporting your weight on your toes. Hold a pair of dumbbells straight out in front of you with palms facing out. Curl the weight up to full contraction without rocking back and forth. (Isolation, baby!) Return the weight to starting position. Want to change it up a bit?  Alternate left and right for single-arm spider curls. 

 Good old Push ups!: Straight head neck position, keep shoulders back and stable, core tight, fulkl range of motion.


 Dumbbell skull crushers:  Lie face up on a bench with feet planted on the floor and your back pressed down. With a dumbbell in each hand, raise the arms straight up  (palms facing each other). Then, bending only at the elbows, lower the weight down to your ears, finishing in 90-degree angle. Return to starting position.triceps-extensions-lying

I’m going to finish off with plank until failure. I am working on beating my best time: 5 minutes and 33 sec!!!  Get after it and sculpt sculpt sculpt! YOU KNOW THIS WILL BE KILLER AFTER WORKING THOSE ARMS AND SHOULDERS AS WELL!!


Motivational Fitness Workout Quotes














WORKOUT OF THE DAY!!!!!!! get bikini ready

100 SQUATS-if u wanna get crazy do jump squats


Try one of these tips each day — you’ll feel better and get fitter and smarter in just one month.


1. Give lip service.
Thirty minutes of making out can improve allergy symptoms. Research shows that kissing reduces the amount of chemicals your body releases in response to allergens.
2. Turn up the heat on your sheets.
Bedding contains thousands of dust mites that can irritate sensitive skin and exacerbate eczema, according to a new study. Wash sheets in H2O that’s at least 140 F. to make sure you kill the critters.
3. D-stress.
Getting plenty of calcium and vitamin D can decrease your risk of developing a stress fracture by 20 percent. Active women should strive for 1,000 IU of vitamin D and 2,000 milligrams of calcium daily to keep their bones strong, experts say.
4. Get your head examined.
Melanomas found on your scalp or neck almost double your risk of dying compared with those detected elsewhere on the body, report researchers from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine. Because they’re often hidden by hair, malignant moles and other skin abnormalities are typically detected too late for treatment to be effective. See your MD for an annual skin check.
5. Clean up your mouth.
Two ounces of yogurt a day (the typical container holds six ounces) may protect you from gum disease, a recent study in the Journal of Periodontology shows. The “good” bacteria in yogurt helps fight germs in your mouth.
6. Play red light, green light.
For increasing your endurance, four to six 30-second bursts of all-out cardio are just as effective as up to an hour of training at a lower intensity. Short on time? Use intervals to get stronger more quickly.
7. Reboot your brain.
Mundane tasks, such as entering data into a spreadsheet, can switch your mind into default mode, making you more likely to mess up within about 30 seconds, scientists say. Feel like you’re operating on autopilot? Snap out of it by going for a quick walk down the hall.
8. Debug your desk.
As many as 283 species of bacteria can thrive in ordinary office dust, including nasty streptococcus, the main cause of strep throat, and staphylococcus aureus, which can lead to MRSA, an antibiotic-resistant staph infection, according to a recent report. Wipe down your workstation, keyboard, and phone regularly with a disinfectant such as Formula 409 Antibacterial All-Purpose Cleaner or Lysol All-Purpose Cleaner.
9. Shrug it off.
Strengthening your trapezius muscle, which runs from your shoulders to your neck and upper back, can reduce chronic neck pain by up to 80 percent.

(Effective trapezius exercise: Standing with your torso straight. Separate your legs to shoulder width. Take hold of the barbell, with your hands farther apart than your legs. Lift the barbell, bringing it to the height of your chest, and lining up your elbows with your shoulders. Keep your torso straight during the exercise. Return to the starting position.)

10. Juice your looks.
A diet rich in vitamin C and linoleic acid (a fatty acid found in many vegetable oils) can reduce the appearance of wrinkles, dryness, and thinning skin, according to a study.
11. Get sappy.
Spending just 30 minutes a day consciously thinking of a loved one can promote mental and emotional well-being, say University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers. Cultivating the feeling of love and compassion stimulates the brain to make new connections and neural pathways.
12. Chill out.
Just two to three minutes under cool water in the shower can boost your mood. The cold may cause the brain to release feel-good hormones.
13. Go slo-mo.
Doing tai chi regularly not only improves your endurance and flexibility but may also help control blood sugar and improve your immune system. The exercise increases levels of certain bacteria-fighting T-cells in your body, research shows.
14. Be a dairy queen.
Women on a low-calorie diet who took supplements to up their calcium from 600 milligrams a day or less to 1,200 milligrams a day lost an average of 10 pounds more than those who didn’t boost their intake, according to a new study. Your brain may be able to detect low calcium levels in the body and tries to compensate by increasing your appetite for foods rich in this mineral, experts say. Skim milk, low-fat cheese, and fortified OJ are all good sources.
15. Straighten up.
Tension in your neck may affect how your body regulates blood pressure, animal studies indicate. At work, sit with your back firmly against your chair, your feet on the floor, your knees slightly higher than your hips and your chair close to your desk.
16. Go green.
Drinking green tea with your antibiotics helps the medication destroy harmful bacteria up to three times more effectively, researchers found.
17. Grab some garbanzos.
People who regularly consume beans typically weigh six pounds less than those who don’t, even though they take in more daily calories. Researchers believe this may be because the legume eaters get more fiber but consume less fat, especially saturated fat, than those who shy away from beans. Throw a handful into salads, soups, or pasta sauce for an extra boost of protein and fiber.
18. Chomp cravings away.
Chewing gum after lunch can curb hunger, a recent study shows. But pick your stick carefully. Ingesting too much sorbitol, a common ingredient in sugar-free gum, can cause diarrhea and abdominal pain. We like sorbitol-free Ice Breakers Ice Cubes White sugar-free gum.
19. Reach new heights.
Wearing a pair of moderately high heels (2 to 2 1/2 inches) can strengthen your pelvic-floor muscles, which can improve your sex life.
20. Munch a bunch.
About one cup of red grapes a day can help suppress the abnormal cell formation that leads to most types of breast cancer, according to a recent study in Cancer Prevention Research. Resveratrol, a natural compound found in grapes, grape juice, and red wine, may prevent estrogen from reacting with DNA molecules, which can lead to cells becoming cancerous, scientists say.
21. Run for your life.
Joggers have a 40 percent lower risk of dying than people who don’t lace up their sneakers, according to Stanford University researchers. Runners are less likely to have cardiovascular problems or develop disabilities as they age. Motivate yourself to become fit by training for a 5K.
Get our beginner-friendly six-week training plan >>

22. Be cuckoo for coconut.
An oil high in fatty acids made from coconut oil has been shown to burn fat and promote weight loss, according to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. People who consumed four to five teaspoons of this type of oil (in baked goods and through cooking) every day for 16 weeks lost almost four pounds more than those who used olive oil.
23. Get crackin’.
Adding one egg a day, yolk and all, to your diet can increase good HDL levels without increasing bad LDL cholesterol levels. Low levels of HDL have previously been linked to memory loss.
24. Strike a pose.
Relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation help your body beat the symptoms of stress before they harm your health, according to researchers at the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital.
25. Tap into the magic of mushrooms.
White button mushrooms can boost your immune system by improving how your T-cells work, according to recent preliminary studies. T-cells are the white blood cells that help protect your body from harmful intruders.
26. Try the silent treatment.
Being exposed to just 35 decibels of noise (about the sound of people talking softly) while in bed could raise your blood pressure by six or seven points, according to a recent study. Snooze more peacefully by investing in a white-noise or sound machine like the Obus Forme Sound Therapy Relaxation System ($30,
27. Get your game on.
Playing video games with a lot of action sequences can sharpen your visual skills by 20 percent, according to research from the University of Rochester in New York. A fun game to try: Lara Croft: Tomb Raider Anniversary for Wii ($30,
28. Hit the sauce.
People who munch on apples, eat applesauce, or drink apple juice are 27 percent less likely to develop metabolic syndrome — a combination of health problems, such as increased blood pressure and blood-sugar levels, that can lead to heart disease and diabetes, research shows. Other studies suggest that eating apples may reduce your risk of breast cancer.
29. Take a nature break.
Heading outdoors for 30 minutes when the sun is shining can make you happier and improve your brain’s ability to process new information, according to a study at the Virginia Institute for Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics.
30. Go, go, go!
If you feel the urge, race to the restroom. Having an overly full bladder can increase stress on the heart, upping the odds of a heart attack in those at risk, a study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology shows.
31. Fly away.
Women who take at least two vacations a year are more happily married than those who rarely get out of town, because they are less likely to be depressed, tense, or tired. Book your summer trip now.

Jumpstart your health with a HERBALIFE drink as well. Many natural-herb-products to give your body the nutrients and vitamins it need to stay balanced and healthy 😉



These moves will help you not only lose fat but also get a sleeker body and boost calorie burn all day long—thanks to extra muscle. Each one calls on multiple muscles so that your body burns more calories than if it were doing a single-focus exercise like biceps curls. Plus, every move is designed to shape your muscles, improve your posture, and build your core, so even everyday activities become easier to do. I put this routine together and added pictures to help with a visual demonstration! Get moving!

Alternating overhead squat

(for legs, core, shoulders)
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned out, and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Keeping your spine lengthened and core engaged, squat down, pressing hips back. At the same time, press a dumbbell overhead and reach the other toward the floor. Return to starting position. Repeat squat with opposite arm; that’s 1 rep. Do 2–3 sets of 8–15 reps

Side plank with rear dumbbell fly

(for core, shoulders)
Position body with left (bottom) leg bent, right (top) leg extended, left hand under left shoulder. Body should be in a straight line with hips lifted and shoulder pressing away from your ear. Hold a dumbbell in right hand, arm hanging straight down from shoulder. Holding body still, arc weight out and up until right hand is directly above shoulder. Squeeze backs of shoulder muscles for 1 count, then slowly lower arm to starting position. Do 8–12 reps, then switch sides and repeat. Do 2–3 sets.

Lunge row and press

(for legs, core, back, shoulders)
Stand with feet together. Hold weight in right hand by shoulder, elbow bent. Lunge forward with left leg, bending knees while rotating torso and lowering weight down toward left ankle. Push off left foot to return to start position while pulling hand back to shoulder height. Push dumbbell straight up. Return to starting position. Do 8–12 reps, then switch sides and repeat. Do 2–3 sets

Bird dog

(for upper back, butt, core)
Get down on all fours. Keeping abs engaged, lift right arm and left leg so they’re in line with torso; reach hand and foot away from each other. Hold for a moment (don’t let belly sag); return to starting position. Repeat with opposite arm and leg; that’s 1 rep. Do 2–3 sets of 8–15 reps

Alternating dumbbell fly

(for chest, core)
Lie on back with legs lifted, knees bent to 90 degrees. Hold a dumbbell in each hand directly over chest with palms facing each other, elbows slightly rounded (as if hugging a tree). Without moving your torso, slowly lower the left dumbbell to the side; at the same time, exhale and brace your abs to prevent the opposite shoulder from lifting. Keeping the elbow soft, bring the hand back to starting position. Repeat with opposite arm; that’s 1 rep. Do 2–3 sets of 12 reps.

Curtsy lunge and press back

(for legs, hips, thighs, core)
Stand with feet hip-distance apart, weight in each hand, arms hanging by sides with palms facing in. Step right foot diagonally behind left, bending knees to squat down while keeping hips facing front. Keeping abs tight, hinge body forward, pressing hands back and up, rotating palms toward ceiling and pulling shoulders open. Return to starting position, and repeat on opposite side; that’s 1 rep. Do 2–3 sets of 12–15 reps.

More training tips

Do this 20-minute routine 2–3 times per week on nonconsecutive days, keeping these tips in mind:

•Warm up by doing arm swings, shoulder circles, marches, squats, jumping jacks, etc. for 5–10 minutes.
•When a move calls for dumbbells, select a weight (5–15 pounds) that’s heavy enough to tire your muscles within 8–15 reps.
•Cool down by stretching your quads, butt, hamstrings, lower back, chest, and shoulders.

Once you’re good with these moves, try them in a circuit format: Do 1 set of each with no rest in between, then jump rope or do other cardio for 2–5 minutes; repeat for a second or even third set. The intervals will up your calorie burn even more. Hope this can help!

Fitness tips!! Start away!

Fitness Tip #1

Do not skip breakfast! It will surely start you off on the wrong foot! Have a piece of fruit with yogurt, a bowl of cinnamon oatmeal.

Fitness Tip #2

Eat five meals a day. Yes! To speed up your metabolism, you should eat 3 small meals plus 2 healthy snacks! Eat every 3-4 hour!

Fitness Tip #3

Drink lots of water throughout the day. Make sure to drink non-caloric beverages. Stay away from soda, juices and creamy coffees.

Fitness Tip #4

Every meal should include complex carbs like whole wheat bread, grains etc…,lean proteins like fish, beans, chicken and healthy fats like nuts, olive oil

Fitness Tip #5

Save gas money, get fit! By cycling to work, you can burn 560 calories an hour!

Fitness Tip #6

Change up your workout routines! Surprise your muscles, you will get results and change your body!

Fitness Tip #7

Eat these foods and you will lose weight!: Eggs, chicken, spinach, celery, berries, green tea, grains, apple

Fitness Tip #8

No time to workout? Try this is quick workout at your (bedroom, living room): 20 Jumping Jacks, 20 Squats, 20 Push ups and 20 crunches. Repeat 3x

Fitness Tip #9

Stressed out? Try this: 20 minutes cycling with five minutes of bliss-inducting yoga poses. You will be feeling calm, cool and confident.

Fitness Tip #10

Not in the mood to workout? Put your workout cloths on and you already feel energized and ready for any exercise. Just do it, do not think about it.

Fitness Tip #11

Concentrate on weight training exercise for losing fat. Do not only focus on cardio, muscles are the ones which burns the fat!

Fitness Tip #12

Sleep enough. Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night. 9 hours are optimal!

Fitness Tip #13

Exercise on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning to get the quickest fat loss results.

Fitness Tip #14

Plan your meals for the week. On Sunday prepare your meals for the week, pack meals in advance.

Fitness Tip #15

Watch yourself in the mirror and pictures, not your weight scale. As you gain muscle mass you will put weight on, but you look lean and toned.